Small romantic garden full of flowers right next to the Invalides
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Montorgueil history is inseparable from the Halles' one. Discover many curiosities of this neighborhood, one of the oldest of Paris.
A walk along buildings built during the 1878, 1889, 1900 and 1937 Universal Expositions of Paris.
A warm and welcoming jazz club in the Marais.
Garden in the Marais surrounded by Mansions of the 18th and 19th centuries. The most romantic of Paris.
A nice little museum in the Marais dedicated to the 18th century's art.
Large public garden hidden in the middle of a building of the 11th arrondissement.
A small neighborhoods with a village atmosphere, perfect to combine shopping and Sunday stroll.
Discover rue Oberkampf : its hidden passageways and courtyards and its village atmopshere.