A (love ?) story which is not ready to stop, so much Paris and its booksellers are one.
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A passage ignored since its creation in 1798.
(Français) La résidence des Présidents de la République est passée entre les mains d'illustres personnages, et cache bien des histoires. Pas toutes avouables...
On the memory of a strange experiment carried out in the 18th century by Antoine Parmentier.
A small section of the so-called "Charles V" wall in perfect condition, to be discovered in the 4th arrondissement.
In the heart of the Marais, a little-known place of history founded by an equally forgotten woman: Élisa Lemonnier,
A delightful artistic and architectural discovery.
Little story of the Place de l'Hôtel de Ville, former Place de Grève, the main place of executions until the Revolution.
A man who, tired of waiting to ascend the throne, always preferred the Paris of the Belle Époque to the good morals of his native England.
Information engraved in stone that reminds us that history is above all a great treasure hunt.