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Where to drink spring water in Paris

It is possible to get supplies of spring water in Paris. A water that comes directly from the Parisian subsoil according to the principle of the artesian well. 

Place Paul Verlaine (13e)

puits artesien butte aux cailles paris

A place known by all the inhabitants of the Butte-aux-Cailles, who come to stock up in this well. The original well was completed in 1872, and the water was collected at a depth of 582 meters.

Square Lamartine (16e)

puits artesien passy square lamartine

Excavated at the initiative of Baron Haussmann to supply water to the lakes of Bois de Boulogne, the artesian well of Passy was the second of Paris, begun in 1855. Its water now gushes in the fountains of the small square Lamartine, very appreciated By the people of the neighborhood.

Square de la Madone (18e)

puits artesien square de la madone

Because of the geological particularity of Montmartre, this well digs up to 700 meters deep to make the water spout out. Originally located in Place Hébert to power the district of the chapel, the fountain is today in the square of the Madonna.

What is an artesian well?

Known since the Middle Ages and  first practiced in Artois (hence the name …), the principle of the artesian well consists of fetching water isolated between two geological layers. Water that is particularly well protected from contamination, therefore of excellent quality. Unlike ordinary wells, where water is to be fetched, the artesian water makes the water rise under the effect of pressure.

Useful Informations

Place Paul Verlaine 75013 Paris
Square de la Madone, 30 Rue Marc Seguin, 75018 Paris
Square Lamartine, 75116 Paris


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