A post, unfortunately, impossible to understand for non Frenc-Speaking people...
houses which, behind their facades, hide a different reality.
History of Madame Decourcelle, first woman driving a taxi in Paris.
(Français) Un voyage de 12 minutes dans le Paris des années folles à travers des images d'archives.
An upside down travel in the diversity of Parisian grounds.
(Français) Découvrez l'histoire du mètre, né pendant la Révolution Française, et dont deux vestiges sont encore visibles à Paris.
Another look at the iconic monuments of the capital.
Remains of a forgotten Paris, discover what are Paris sand boxes in Paris, and what they have become.
At the edge of the Ile de la Cité, the Morgue received during the 19th century more than 40 000 visitors a day !
The architect Luis Fernandes tried to imagine a fantasy city mixing Paris and New York.