Where is born Paris ?

If the location of Paris during Roman times seems indisputable today, the site of Gallic Lutetia remains mysterious... What if Paris actually originated in the...

What is a bouquiniste ?

Manual that will answer all your questions before setting off to discover this old Parisian profession.

Do you speak Louchebem ?

This article dealing with popular slang from the Halles de Paris in the 19th century is almost impossible to translate... If you speak French, refer to the...

A bookstore on the banks of the Seine

In addition to the guided tours and the digital offer, there is a physical location in the heart of the capital in a unique heritage in the world: the...

Useful Informations

If the location of Paris during Roman times seems indisputable today, the site of Gallic Lutetia remains mysterious... What if Paris actually originated in the suburbs ?

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