Jardins 12ème Arrondissement Parks & Gardens

La Promenade Plante (or Coulée Verte)

Fitted out above former railways, the promenade plantée (also called « coulée verte »), is a pleasant garden and pedestrian route through the 12tharrondissement of Paris. It begins at Bastille and goes on as far as Porte Dorée Metro stop (L 8).

coulé verte, ou promenade plantée

4km of greenery reserved for pedestrians

What is very appreciable with this place is the diversity of parks and public gardens crossed during the 4 kilometres path. Thus you can choose to stroll only the “Viaduc des Arts” (From Bastille : avenue Daumesnil), this former railway converted into a greenery place perfect for chiiling out and walk .

Indeed, besides the plentiful vegetation, you will find a lot of isolated benches in quiet surroundings. And since you are up to the level of roofs, you can also see amazing building fronts that recall us we don’t look up enough while we walk in Paris…

vue des façades hautes depuis le viaduc des arts

If you want to continue, the Coulée Verte goes on through the 12th arrondissement. To be frank, the area, one of the most modern of Paris, is not the most typical, neither the prettiest. But we quickly forget it thanks to the several parks public and gardens we cross, in particular at the end of the route : flowers, birds, trees, and not a car !… Here, pedestrian has priority.

vue du jardin 

  • Also see in the neighborhood

Aligre Market

The Faubourg Saint-Antoine and its hidden alleys

Useful Informations

From Bastille (L 1, 5 & 8)
Avenue Daumesnil
as far as Porte Dorée (L 8)
Several accesses Avenue Daumesnil

Artist workshops underneath the Viaduc des Arts


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